
The Shell pipeline allows to submit scripts as shell commands.


curl -O
owl admin pdef add signature.yaml

Pipeline definition file

The following pipeline definition file example executes a shell script in the cluster.

version: 1.2

name: shell

command: |
  echo "hello" > hello
  sleep 600
  cat hello

# optional
# use_dask: false

# output directory (optional)
# - sets the directory where the script is run
# - stores pipeline logs
# output: /storage/user/output

  workers: 1
  memory: 2
  cores: 2

The command argument is anything that can be executed in a shell script, or indeed a Python script if the shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python is used. Other example commands:

command: |
    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import random
    print(random.randint(1, 10))

The use_dask argument needs a bit of explanation. In the default mode (false) the script is run in only one worker with access to as much memory and cores requested. Internally the (python) script can use Dask, multiprocessing, multithreading or any other mechanism but the resources will be fixed to one worker.

If use_dask is true then it makes sense to request more workers. It is assumed then that the command is a Python script that connects to the Dask scheduler as follows:

import os
from distributed import Client

client = Client(DASK_SCHEDULER)
