
Papermill pipeline.

The papermill pipeline executes Jupyter notebooks using Papermill. Plase read the official documentation on how to paramaterize the notebooks.

An example pipeline definition file is below (and can be obtained typing owl pdef get papermill:

version: 1.2

# Name of the pipeline
name: papermill

input: /home/user/myDir
output: /home/user/myDir
notebook: notebook.ipynb

paramaters: {}

# use_dask: false

  workers: 1
  memory: 8
  threads: 1

The pipeline requires the input and output directories and the name of the notebook to execute. The executed notebook will be saved in the output directory with the name notebook_out.ipynb in this example.

The parameters required to run the notebook are defined in parameters.

The following shows an example output notebook that includes outputs and figures.

Papermill Pipeline
Papermill Pipeline
