Owl Pipelines

Owl pipelines are pip installable Python packages. In order to submit a pipeline to the system, the admin must have activated it and you need a pipeline definition file (PDeF). This is a YAML file that contains the name of the pipeline, its arguments and requested resources.

A pipeline defintion file typically starts with setting a version number. This is used so that individual pipelines can limit the version numbers that they can run after e.g. a package upgrade.

Then the arguments that are required for running the pipeline.

Last the resources requested. The number of workers is set by workers. The values in cores and memory specify the number of cores (or vCPUs) and memory in GB per worker. Optionally it is possible to specify a Docker image used to run the jobs, otherwise the default is used.

version: 1

# ... pipeline arguments ...

arg1: value1
arg2: value2
arg3: true

# ... end pipeline arguments ...

  workers: 3
  cores: 10
  memory: 30
  # Image is optional
  image: user/image-name:tag